Que signifie votre code Code Défaut FIAT ?

Grace au système OBD, les Fiat fabriqués après 1996 sont normalement équipés d'une prise diagnostique OBD.
Si l'ordinateur de la voiture rencontre un problème,un code d'erreur ou un code de diagnostic (DTC) sera stocké dans la mémoire de l'ECU de la voiture.
Avec un lecteur OBD branché sur le port OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) de la voiture, vous pouvez lire la liste des codes stockés, et donc découvrir quel est le problème.

Les codes suivent une formule permettant de savoir généralement quel est le problème avant même de regarder le tableau ci-dessous.
Nous vous présentons ci-dessus une liste très complète des différents codes défauts possibles.
Si le code défaut de votre auto s'affiche au tableau de bord, vous n'aurez peut-être même pas besoin d'un lecteur OBD . il sera dans la liste .
Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c'est potentiellement simple à faire avec vos revues et méthodes techniques.

Revenir aux autres catégories de codes défauts FIAT

Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c’est potentiellement simple à faire avec nos revues et méthodes techniques

Code Libellé
D602 CAN line error
D701 Engine Control (NCM)
D702 Electric Steering (NGE)
D703 Instrument Panel node
D705 Receiver Radio/Radio Navigator with maps (NRR/RMN)
D707 Info-Telematic/Convergence Node (NIT/NCV)
D710 Climate control (NCL)
D711 Automatic Transmission (NCA-NCR)
D712 Steering Angle Node (NAS)
D715 Side Acceler./Yaw Node (NYL)
D722 Gearbox Selector Node (NSC)
D726 Airbag Node (NAB)
F015 No communication with the engine management ECU fault
P0001 Fuel delivery control valve circuit/open
P0002 Fuel delivery control valve circuit range/performance
P0003 Fuel delivery control valve circuit low
P0004 Fuel delivery control valve circuit high
P0005 Fuel shut-off solenoid 1 control circuit/open
P0006 Fuel shut-off solenoid 1 control circuit low
P0007 Fuel shut-off solenoid 1 control circuit high
P0008 Engine position system performance (bank 1)
P0009 Engine position system performance (bank 2)
P000A Inlet camshaft position slow response (bank 1)
P000B Exhaust camshaft position slow response (bank 1)
P000C Inlet camshaft position slow response (bank 2)
P000D Exhaust camshaft position slow response (bank 2)
P0010 Inlet camshaft timing solenoid 1 circuit/open
P0011 Inlet camshaft timing solenoid 1, timing over-advanced or system performance
P0012 Inlet camshaft timing solenoid 1, timing over-retarded
P0013 Exhaust camshaft timing solenoid 1 circuit/open
P0014 Exhaust camshaft timing solenoid 1, timing over-advanced or system performance
P0015 Exhaust camshaft timing solenoid 1, timing over-retarded
P0016 Crankshaft position correlation with inlet camshaft position (bank 1)
P0017 Crankshaft position correlation with exhaust camshaft position (bank 1)
P0018 Crankshaft position correlation with inlet camshaft position (bank 2)
P0019 Crankshaft position correlation with exhaust camshaft position (bank 2)
P001A Inlet camshaft profile control circuit/open (bank 1)
P001B Inlet camshaft profile control circuit low (bank 1)
P001C Inlet camshaft profile control circuit high (bank 1)
P001D Inlet camshaft profile control circuit/open (bank 2)
P001E Inlet camshaft profile control circuit low (bank 2)
P001F Inlet camshaft profile control circuit high (bank 2)
P0020 Inlet camshaft timing solenoid 2 circuit/open
P0021 Inlet camshaft timing solenoid 2, timing over-advanced or system performance
P0022 Inlet camshaft timing solenoid 2, timing over-retarded
P0023 Exhaust camshaft timing solenoid 2 circuit/open
P0024 Exhaust camshaft timing solenoid 2, timing over-advanced or system performance
P0025 Exhaust camshaft timing solenoid 2, timing over-retarded
P0026 Inlet valve control solenoid 1 circuit range/performance
P0027 Outlet valve control solenoid 1 circuit range/performance
P0028 Inlet valve control solenoid 2 circuit range/performance
P0029 Outlet valve control solenoid 2 circuit range/performance
P002A Exhaust camshaft profile control circuit/open (bank 1)
P002B Exhaust camshaft profile control circuit low (bank 1)
P002C Exhaust camshaft profile control circuit high (bank 1)
P002D Exhaust camshaft profile control circuit/open (bank 2)
P002E Exhaust camshaft profile control circuit low (bank 2)
P002F Exhaust camshaft profile control circuit high (bank 2)
P0030 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 1, heating circuit/open
P0031 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 1, heating control circuit low
P0032 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 1, heating control circuit high
P0033 Turbocharger bypass solenoid circuit/open
P0034 Turbocharger bypass solenoid circuit low
P0035 Turbocharger bypass solenoid circuit high
P0036 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 1, heating circuit/open
P0037 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 1, heating control circuit low
P0038 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 1, heating control circuit high
P0039 Turbocharger bypass solenoid circuit range/performance
P003A Turbocharger boost control 1, position exceeded learning limit
P003B Turbocharger boost control 2, position exceeded learning limit
P003C Inlet camshaft profile control performance/stuck off (bank 1)
P003D Inlet camshaft profile control stuck on (bank 1)
P003E Inlet camshaft profile control performance/stuck off (bank 2)
P003F Inlet camshaft profile control stuck on (bank 2)
P0040 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converters 1 and 2, swapped sensor signals
P0041 Oxygen sensors behind catalytic converters 1 and 2, swapped sensor signals
P0042 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 3, heating circuit/open
P0043 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 3, heating control circuit low
P0044 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 3, heating control circuit high
P0045 Turbo pressure control solenoid 1 circuit/open
P0046 Turbo pressure control solenoid 1 circuit range/performance
P0047 Turbo pressure control solenoid 1 circuit low
P0048 Turbo pressure control solenoid 1 circuit high
P0049 Turbocharger/supercharger turbine overspeed
P004A Turbo pressure control solenoid 2 circuit/open
P004B Turbo pressure control solenoid 2 circuit range/performance
P004C Turbo pressure control solenoid 2 circuit low
P004D Turbo pressure control solenoid 2 circuit high
P004E Turbo pressure control solenoid 1 circuit intermittent/erratic
P004F Turbo pressure control solenoid 2 circuit intermittent/erratic
P0050 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 2, heating circuit/open
P0051 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 2, heating control circuit low
P0052 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 2, heating control circuit high
P0053 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 1, heater resistance
P0054 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 1, heater resistance
P0055 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 3, heater resistance
P0056 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 2, heating circuit/open
P0057 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 2, heating control circuit low
P0058 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter 2, heating control circuit high
P0059 Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter 2, heater resistance
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